coiled: November 2006

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Irene's backyard

shelf, pot, mirror, purple wall
Originally uploaded by katcoyle.

While at my mom's house for thanksgiving I took a few pictures in her backyard. Her place never lets me down, it is always alive with color and her every growing collection of pottery.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by katcoyle.

Happy birthday mom!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


for whimsy and Florine Stettheimer

Picnic at Bedford Hills, 1918

Family Portrait #2, 1933

From Manhattan Fantastica

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Top hat and heart are the tender and bittersweet handwork of a love never known. Quilt made for Squire Baldwine signed "Old Maid", 1850 Yonkers, New York; from The Quilt Engagement Calendar Treasury.

Peruvian pilgrim. From (un) Fashion.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

alligator chair and EZ knitting

Felix has grown out of his high chair, so Johnny cut off the legs and upholstered it. The upholstery part is a little wacky, inspired by a late night burst of energy. When Felix woke up he was afraid of the chair and tried to pry the black cushion off. Then he threw all his toys on it hoping he could "fix" it. I saw him trying to work the cushion off with his alligator and so I decided to take a picture of the alligator and the chair in the hopes that Felix would see the chair as special. And it worked. He loves it.

I've been doing loads and loads of knitting. So I wouldn't feel so isolated and nutty with all the counting and pattern writing and rewriting, I placed the great knitting thinker EZ next to me at my desk. Good company!