coiled: key key

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

key key

This was a really fun project that Felix and I worked on together. He picked out the project he wanted to make (we also made a frog but I can't find it). I drew the key on the felt and Felix cut it out. He had a hard time with the little turns on the key so I helped out with my sharp scissors. Then, he glued the pieces together and drew the face. I showed him how to sew. He did pretty good with some guidance but he got tired quickly so I finished it. We were able to complete the project quickly and he's been wearing the key as a necklace ever since.
The pattern, or directions are in the book Cute Stuff by Aranzi Aronzo.

Next, he wants to make a bag and decorate it with cute faces. I wish I had a good stash of wool felt. We used the cheap craft felt from Michaels and it's not holding up. I'm having a hard time (it's expensive) ordering the good stuff. On the other hand, I'm sure it's worth it, since the projects will be made with the best materials...something I believe in.


Gudrun Johnston said...

Have to check this book out now...looks like something my daughter would love...

mames said...

i have to find that book now. it looks adorable. here is a link to a shop i have ordered from. a little pricey, but the felt holds up under assault and the colors are amazing.

the good think about the joann felt is it is made from recycled plastic. second life for it and in crafts to boot.

Poethead said...

So cute! You find the best, most creative support materials out there!

Anonymous said...

So cute! That book looks adorable!

Michele said...

can't wait to see his little bag that he wants to make. reminds me of my little brother who wanted cloth bags for his toys and marbles. my mother was very busy and didn't have time to sew him bags so he learned to use a sewing machine and make his own.

the key face is adorable.