coiled: yeah right

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

yeah right

yeah right
Originally uploaded by katcoyle.

this afternoon this guy gave me a scare, i thought he ran away. turns out he was hiding in the car while i ran down the street screaming his name.


Marnie said...

Ok, I get nervous if panda doesn't come when I call. You must have been near hysterics. Good thing he's such a cutie, I bet you can't stay mad at him.

kat coyle said...

i was so deeply relieved to see him that i wasn't mad but it took awhile to come down from the panic.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! Poor Kat! That is terrifying!

Julia (MindofWinter) said...

As someone who has been known to burst into tears when her stupid boy-cat runs out of the house and into the ivy, I can relate to hysterics. I think your kiddo and my cat should hang out - they have that same non-plussed expression.