This morning, and by morning I mean noon, I soaked the scarf in hot soapy water. After a bit of rubbing and rinsing, I rolled the scarf in a towel and inspected the wad of wet wool. Not a pretty sight. As promised, my fingers pulled on the fabric and after much prodding the lump started looking like a scarf again. It was dry within an hour. And, I love it! What you can’t tell from the last photo was the way the scarf actually draped on me. When I put it around my neck the scarf limply rolled in on itself. Now that it’s been felted it has much more body, lays flatter showing off its wiry nature, and has a kind of deconstructed texture that I love. Also, it shrank about ten inches in length.

Thanks again Janet for such a thoughtful gift.
Love it felted too!
That is *great*! I love that yarn. I've been playing with it a lot lately. :)
really cool!
I love how it turned out once felted. I'm still undecided as to whether or not I'm felting mine...
It really looks great and it seems like it's a good LA scarf, not too heavy and warm, just a little extra something sassy. I wish I could touch it and see it in person!
So pretty! I'm with Marnie- I'd love to see (and feel) it in person sometime.
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