Happy Birthday to me! My dad wrote me today with this tidbit from the day of my birth:
"I just spent about 10 minutes daydreaming about Santiago, Chile, on July 26, 1962, Exact Spot: the Clinica Alemana. I'm standing outside the delivery room in a kind of side room when the doctor walks in holding you by the feet. You're bawling, He washes you under the sink faucet. I had just arrived after running up the stairs, out of breath. My timing was excellent. I'd just had an incredibly rush-hour drive across town after inaugurating a series of performance by the Chad Mitchell Trio." Dad
That's a lovely memory from your dad, how special (mind you being washed under the tap while being held upside down by the feet sounds a little hard-core, hehehehe)
Hope you had a wonderful day :)
What a wonderful story! Have a wonderful birthday, Kat! xo
I just love your dad's story!
Happy Birthday!
"I just spent about 10 minutes daydreaming..."
That is so sweet!
Happy Happy birthday...(it's my mum's birthday tomorrow)....love the lion flower too!
Happy birthday, Kat! What a lovely drawing, and a sweet story. :)
Happy Birthday Kat!
I think I need waaaay more stories about your childhood because your birth alone is more intriguing than the first 5 years of my life :)
Happy birthday, Kat! :)
What a wonderful memory!
Happy Birthday Kat! You look much younger than you are.
I hope your had a great day yesterday! Happy belated birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!and many, many more....
I hope you had a happy, happy birthday! and what a wonderful gift from your father.
Happy Birthday. How sweet of your Father to note the events.
A great birth story. Thanks for sharing, and have a happy birthday. "Celebrate your life and sing your life..."
Happy happy (belated) birthday!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!
I am sorry to be so late with the birthday wishes, Kat! I hope you had a lovely day!! :)
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Here's how it works: Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, players then tag 8 people by posting their names and making sure they know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at the tagee’s blog. Have fun!
ugh, I am late to the party..But My warmest wished on your Happy Birthday, Kat!!! Let the sun shine bright upon everything you do and many many years of health!
I'm late too...hope you have another successful year, full of happy moments!
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