coiled: knitting his way

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

knitting his way

While I knit something conventional and wearable, Felix occupied himself with creating an intricate web all over the house.

He told me that he was knitting a trap for his artist Dad. He also declared himself a top designer. "I am Top Designer!"

And, "I am the best knitter!" I was really proud of him, and didn't mind at all that he used an entire cone of fine mercerized cotton or that we spent 48 hours trying to navigate the web and tripping through the house.

Finally, he had to finish his homework. You can tell he wasn't that excited about it. Yeah, coloring in circles isn't necessarily as interesting as being a spider.


raining sheep said...

Thanks for posting your free wristlet pattern on ravelry. My girlfriend loves is a knitting project for her grade twos. I love the 'spider web' pictures...quite frankly I would rather weave a web than do something as structured as drawing circles, making dinner, or obeying my boss at work :)

Connie said...

Felix is adorable! He's lucky to have such creative parents who allow him to express himself so openly. My mom would have freaked out if I made a web in the the house.

nicole said...

Felix rocks! And I agree with Connie, it's surely due to his awesome parents! Hurray for your creative family!!!

Poethead said...

Oh, that's so cool! The creation of the web looks like a lot more fun than what I'm knitting at the moment. How long is the web going to stay up? Too funny!

Unknown said...

Oh. My.

What a little handful you have there, Kat! Tell me he was using crochet cotton, or acrylic yarn. Hee hee hee!

mames said...

i know this might sound weird, but i want to eat that scrumptious child of yours, just kiss him and hug him all over. he is the best! a spider web of yarn, what will he think of next. i cannot wait to see.

Anonymous said...

This post is so full of awesomeness- I don't even know where to start! Love!

Green Kitchen said...

Wow! I'm totally going to show my oldest this one. Felix has done such great work, and so much more educational/inspiring/creative/beautiful/difficult/complex than coloring in circles. Go Felix!

ADW said...

what a cool mom you are.

mary jane said...

I love that the web stayed for days!

Julia (MindofWinter) said...

Awesome! There is more creativity in your house than should be allowed in one place. You guys are very lucky.
xox, J

do you mind if i knit said...

Now that is wonderful.................. and charming........................ and I'm wishing you were my Mum when I was little! Looks to me like you're allowing a rather special little spider to develop beautifully..................... you deserve a big round of applause for being such wonderful parents......................

Anonymous said...

what fun! if i were to show this project to my grandson he surely he will want to make one of his own! he carries a ball of scrap yarn aroun in his pocket and winds and unwinds it and ties things up...i suppose it's a nice way to be connected with the kniters in their lives! felix is a talent that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Kat, I think you have met your creative match!!!! You guys are quite the team! xxoo, Suzan

mel said...

Awesome. I love this - what a creative little guy (and a wonderful mom to foster these qualities!!) I'm inspired!