coiled: book crush

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

book crush

Knitprovisation by Cilla Ramnek
I'm crazy in love with this book I picked up Monday at a local bookstore. Felix and I were wandering around town looking for air-conditioned rooms trying to pass the day as cool as possible. Anyway, I found this gem and it's the kind of book that feels like home. The mixing of old and new in creative ways is how I naturally work and maybe I’m missing that freedom of improvisation right now as I am writing patterns.


Green Kitchen said...

Swoon!!!!!!!!!! No, really. This is spectacular.

handknit168 said...

The patterns are so fantastic.

a friend to knit with said...

OH! I have to get that book!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm glad I already sent my amazon order .. or it would have made my decision even harder !
Looks like a great book, I love that they only give you the necessary details .. Thanks for the heads up !

kat coyle said...

Yes, fun stuff with knit, crochet and simple sewing; but there aren't any detailed patterns on how to make things step by step...just general guidelines. But it's enough to just enjoy the pictures and use the inspiration and ideas for your own creative work. If you enjoy thrift stores, vintage goodies, textiles and hand made clothes then you will probably like this book.

Sonya said...

I just saw it on my shelf the other day and have to take a look though it, I want to do some dada sweater type things.