coiled: shapes

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Thursday, August 23, 2007


My concentration is not very focused these days. I think the Internet has my brain hungry for more and more instant images and I'm feeling mentally restless and lazy at the same time. Or at least that's the excuse I'm using today. Felix and I stepped outside the house for a short walk and I noticed that the cactus garden is in bloom. Usually, I don't pay attention to this area because of the harsh sun and the wasps. But, today I took notice and the view captured my attention.
The organic action of blossoms on spiny dry cactus against the curvilinear rusted security bars is our version of Arts and Crafts. Not as refined or lush but not without its charm.

Outside on the sidewalk I took a second look at what I usually regard as ugly, the fence, and another welcome security feature. Maybe the rose offset its ugliness but for a second I saw the diamonds of the fence and thought how much I love diamond patterns in lace knitting.

The diagonal movements of the yarn overs and decreases never cease to amuse me while I'm knitting.


Connie said...

I love diamonds in lace knitting too, Kat -- it's the physicist in me, love those geometric shapes. I'll email you an example tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

There are many ways of seeing the same things depending on our mood.

Anonymous said...

amazing unexpected connections. impressed by what you found when you really looked.

love the photographs of the cacti.
took some photos today with you in mind will send them to you when i get home.

also bought Greetings From Knit Cafe today so I can make your skirt.

Iris G said...

What lovely pictures you have! The lace pattern is really pretty; those happy flowers are obviously not as lonely as the red rose!

staceyjoy said...

great pattern, especially in black. Congrats on the book, BTW!!