coiled: vacation days

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

vacation days

We planned on a two day vacation but stayed five. It was wonderful. I forgot my camera, and didn't pack the laptop. My friend took these snaps for me. We went swimming,

ate junkfood and lounged by the sea.

Went for walks, did some sightseeing, forgot about cartoons, and knitting;

went to sleep by nine o'clock and spent most of everyday out doors in the fresh air.

We were gone long enough to get home sick. I'll upload some photos later of some goodies I got from my aunt.


tea time and roses said...

Sounds like a wonderful time, something we all need from time to time...



Michele said...

oh lovely! it sounds like a real holiday. no computer, no camera, friends and staying longer. how nice!

Anonymous said...

These photos are great! I'm glad you were able to have such a nice, relaxing vacation!

Anonymous said...

These are the best vacations: Planning for a short time and then staying longer! I so enjoyed looking at the pics and seeing how much you all enjoyed yourself - thank you for sharing!

a friend to knit with said...

It sounds when a day is not spent rushing! Glad you had it!