coiled: red shoe bird

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

red shoe bird

PICT0007, originally uploaded by kat coyle.

I took my knitting with me to the park but decided to enjoy the lake instead. Funny, but my knitting bag was packed with yarn to make birds. In the car on the way over I wasn’t feeling any bird vibes, but now, I have some inspiration for making birds with personality; as well as some fashion ideas. Maybe red shoes and a yellow hat will remind me of this duck when ever I need to remember a very good day.

Happy Weekend!


Nettie said...

I can't wait to see your stylin' ducky :D I've had birds, well animals in general, on the brain lately too. My kids have been into Go, Diego, Go and all the animals the show talks about.

I expected to see a painting from the title.

Poethead said...

I appreciate efforts to stop and share the duck with us. I love it!

Jules Madden said...

I love birds.. they seem to have so much character. Would love to see these knitted birds you talk about.

Oh and off topic- I saw that baby knits book on Amazon and was so tempted! It looks great, considering I have caught the knitting bug (just in time for our summer though! Bad timing!)
