coiled: winding

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm not mad just tired. I finished my knitting marathon and mailed off a couple of projects that I'm really happy with. The serious look, is all about my aching hands and how much I want to start knitting something new. Next month I'm going to teach a kids learn to knit class, so I started preparing by winding small bits of yarn so that the kids can easily use lots of colors. I'm thinking of all kinds of fun projects but most probably we'll start with the basics: a striped garter stitch scarf.

Here's a question, does anyone use WOOL HAND KNIT POT HOLDERS?
I like the size, and how they are a good way to learn how to miter and practice short rows and stitch patterns, but I'm wondering if they are useful.

There are Nineteen colors here but Still I think maybe we could use some more bright ones.

Bright like Pink! and Orange!
meow >''<


mary jane said...

Wool potholders are great if you felt 'em.
A good project from my Waldorf teaching days was a "rainbow ball". just a strip of colors (to learn adding colors) and then seamed to form a tube, and gathered at the top, stuffed with wool roving and gathered at the bottom.
Later when short-rows needed to be learned they made a fancier one. Maybe I'll make a post about it. I could probably manage knitting one even with my bum hand.
Have fun teaching your class!

Michele said...

love your little cat.

can't see why wool pot holders wouldn't work.

but kids might prefer a scarf or an i-pod holder. i used to knit doll clothes when i was a kid.

penny said...

I have a felted grippy mitt i love. i've been meaning to make some random felted pieces (squares, circles, whatever) so I don't messup my new countertop when i place hot things around while cooking.