I have two scarf patterns in the Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts 2007 issue. Candy Stripes Kerchief is made up with luscious angora in fun stripes and the
Huckleberry Ascot is worked in Blue Sky Alpacas melange.

There are a lot of great designs in this issue. I'm going to try to find the time to knit the hat on the cover (December Lights Tam) by Mary Jane Mucklestone. Ages ago I bought yarn for a stranded tam but I still haven't done anything about it. Maybe now's the time.
And, thank you everyone for all the warm congratulations on my book!
Edited to add: Both patterns, The Huckleberry Ascot and the Candy Stripes Kerchief are available for purchase at the Knitting Daily online shop.
Once again, your designs are vibrant, thoughtful and eminently wearable. Love them both.
Great designs, Kat! I love the Huckleberry Ascot in particular, but both of them are really wonderful. Your designs have a whimsy that is absolutely delightful!
I went to 2 yarn shops looking for the issue, but it's not out yet where I am...
Kat!!!! Wow!!! I just saw the post with the preview of the magazine and I love this candy stripes! You always do so nice designs!!! I always love the work you do, you have a special touche, "mains de fée" (in French) I don't know in English...
they are pretty....
these are both beauties! well done.
Two beautiful knits... I must pick up this issue. The tam is also very lovely.
Both these designs are so yummy! And they definitely get me into the spirit of knitting cozy accessories. Congrats, once again!
These are beautiful projects. I'm just learning to knit so I have a long way to go to get to this point. It's always nice to find inspiration.
Boy have I missed a LOT on the blog. These scarves are BYOO - TEEE - FULL. Of course, I am THRILLED about the book, and your fair isle socks turned out magnificently. Congrats all around. It was great to see you. M is out of town in the next few weeks, so we'll have to set up a girls' night for knitting.
I absolutely love the Huckleberry Ascot! I have used Blue Sky Alpacas once before and I am thrilled to see that this pattern uses it. I am already online shopping for the yarn because this scarf will make fabulous gifts. Thank you for such a pretty pattern!
I've been dreaming about the Candy Stripe Kerchif. It's so Dr. Seuss! I hope you have fun with the tam!
I love the candy stripes kerchief, I'm just waiting til that issue shows up locally. I think (I know) my oldest daughter will love it! Beautiful fun design and a perfect quick Christmas knit. Thank you!
Love your designs. Can't wait to pick up the issue.
Congrats. I'd love to make both of those!
Just wondering how much of the 2 skeins did you use for the ascot... Iwas thinking I woudl make it in suri merino BSA b/c I love the dark green colour but do I need I or two skeins cause the skeins of suri merino are bigger 164 yards instead of 110 yards.
thank you for all the nice comments!
dara: I used ALL of the two skeins so you will likely need 2 skeins of the suri merino. of course, i don't know what the gauge is like with the suri, but to be safe i would get two skeins.
I have been looking for the pattern for this lovely scarf since I saw it in a red Debbie Bliss cashmere. It's gorgeous. I cannot purchase from Interweave because I have no credit card. Would it be at all possible to buy a copy from you via Paypal?
Many thanks!
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